Born in 1975, Andreas Salzbrunn began his musical education studying piano, later jazz piano, and played in the "Crazy Hauer Big Band" while still at school. At the age of 18, he was a member and interim director of the Cantus Novus in Wiener Neustadt.

Later he took up studies in music education (ME) and instrumental music education (IGP) with singing as his main subject at the University of Music in Vienna. He specialised in choral conducting with Johannes Hiemetsberger and Alois Glaßner, and in popular music with Harald Huber and Stefan Gottfried.

He deepened his musical knowledge through numerous master classes in choral conducting with Johannes Prinz, Franz Herzog, Johann van der Sandt and Robert Sund and in singing with Kammersänger Heinz Zednik and Andreas Strunkeit.

For several years he taught singing and ensemble conducting at the Franz Schubert Conservatory in Vienna.

He was full-time musical director of several productions at the Theater in der Josefstadt for several years ("Jedem das Seine", "Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald", "Kasimir und Karoline", "Wie im Himmel"). In addition, from 2001 to 2021 he conducted the "Chor im Hemd" (winner of the "musica sacra" competition in Bratislava), the "Singwoche Gurk/Knappenberg", was a singer at the Vienna Burgtheater and was employed as a choir director at the annual "Opernfestival Retz" until 2018.

Professionally, he is currently a music and singing teacher, as well as a school choir director at the BORG 3 in Vienna. He is married and has two wonderful children.

He conducts seminars for choirs and ensembles at home and abroad (Italy, France, England, Slovenia and Norway).

Since May 2017, he has also been head of the Music Committee of the Austrian Choral Association.

In July 2017 he was assistant to the artistic director (Christian Dreo) of the Youth Choir Austria (national selection choir).

He regularly composes and arranges for various vocal ensembles. Two of his compositions, "Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen” and "The Garden of Love”, were performed by Chor im Hemd in the ORF production "Die große Chance der Chöre" 2015, the former also having been published by Doblinger Verlag, along with another composition, “Licht”, published by Verlag Helbling.


Barbara Krombholz

Barbara Krombholz, geboren am 3.3.1993 in Salzburg, spielt seit 2005 Saxophon und wirkte schon in der Schulzeit in Chören und Bands mit. Seit 2013 lebt sie in Wien, wo sie unter anderem als Choristin bei der Theaterproduktion „Wie im Himmel“ im Theater in der Josefstadt und im „Chor im Hemd“ mitwirkte. 2015 begann sie das Lehramtsstudium Musikerziehung sowie IGP mit dem Hauptfach klassisches Saxophon an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien und 2016 Biologie und Umweltkunde an der Universität Wien. Seit 2021 studiert sie zusätzlich noch Konzertfach Oboe bei Klaus-Dieter Lienbacher auf der Musikuniveristät in Wien. Seit seiner Gründung ist das ensemble focus zentraler Punkt in ihrem musikalischen Schaffen.